world in a grain of sand

By kateann


M told me that there would be a steam train travelling along the line near us at about 11am, and he'd like to borrow my camera to photograph it. We decided to have a joint outing as we could then carry on together to Witney for shopping - he is an unusual kind of man - he likes shopping.
I suggested he took a shot before the train arrived to check the exposure (yeah, me, the photographic expert). So he did. Here is that shot. He waited in the rain, improperly dressed. By which I mean he was wearing a respectable pair of cords and a rather nice navy woollen jacket, not an anorak and tatty jeans as might be expected of a trainspotter.
No train came. I was fine, sitting in the car knitting, but eventually he got fed up and we drove on, pretty parallel to the train track. We saw several (anorak clad) people waiting with cameras, and he agreed to ask one of them what time they thought the train was coming. Unbelievably, he'd got it wrong by an hour - this, the man who reads train timetables for fun! He didn't want to wait, said he was too cold, (should have worn his anorak) and that there'd be another steam train along in two months!
So, this shot is not my own work, but it does represent quite a chunk of my day.

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