Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Tuesday — New Paint

I’m not yet delighted with the new color. If we had hired the most expensive paint company, which was $3,000 more than what we paid, they would have made computer simulations of our house with various colors.

We did not see color simulation, so we were guessing. Mr. Fun is not thrilled that I am not thrilled with the color, but I’m thinking it thru and I want to get to the paint department at the local hardware store to see lighter shades of the periwinkle that is on the door.

I have discovered all over again what I knew and had forgot about myself — I don’t like two-tone. I like monochromatic colors. So, the plaster on the front of the house is most likely going to be a lighter periwinkle color. I will not change the side or back walls.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too

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