Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Monday — Grocery Shopping

Since Covid19 arrived on the scene, this was our first outing to a grocery store we think since early March. Twice I’ve had a personal shopper do the job for us, but I felt it was now time to do this myself. I wore my mask, kept a social distance from others, and did not touch my face.

Mr. Fun was a total grump. He thought I should not be in a public place and I wish he had stayed home. I was nervous enough without him tagging along grumping at me.

I was surprised that some of the shelves were empty — the soup aisle, the pasta aisle, and of course the toilet paper aisle were deleted. Sad, all very sad.

We’ve been told that toilet paper and hand sanitizer are being sold out of the back door by people who work in the grocery store. Craziness.

Rosie (& Mr.Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe and Mitzi

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