It's Spring!
An hour spent on the plot early morning, lifted leeks, & picked purple sprouting broccoli to take for the maids I was lunching with today. Pulled the forced rhubarb, turned a piece of ground for Bobby, not much life in this soil. It was rock hard so need to whack some compost & farmyard manure in before any planting. Walked up to fetch the newspaper then home to change before heading over to Jorgiesmum.
A wander through Nicky's garden on arrival, she has a lovely garden with some interesting plants so always something to chat about, coffee & a natter before lunch alfresco .. a tasty risotto followed by homemade Chocolate cake & ice cream. The sun disappeared so got quite chilly so we headed into the Summer room, socially distanced, doors wide open but out of the wind. Perfect! Leeks, purple sprouting broccoli & sweet pea seed shared, Carolyn has grown some bronze sunflower seedlings so came away with a pot of those, 3 Ailsa Craig tomato plants, & some foraged ;-) bay leaves from the hedge. A perfect few hours. It's so good to get out and about.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday 'Express yourself with edits'. 3 images of a tulip in my garden layered.
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