Roly's Life

By Roly

Pier Coffee

My friend in the picture is my regular coffee and walk companion. She’s been through the mill a bit recently and for reasons that are not mine to explain, I told her all about Blip and sent her the link to my ‘journal’.

I believe it helped her sleep that night but now she knows what it’s all about and is aware there is an audience (I earned it is small), she made sure to pose properly for today’s PoW coffee break!

ION: I feel a bit under the weather and am hoping it is not the start of one of my hivey flare ups triggered by last weeks jab. The joys of having an overkeen immune system. Hopefully it is just a combination of work stress/hayfever.

The work stress is abating hour by hour as I am ticking things off the huge ‘to do’ list that existed for April. It won’t cease properly until the middle of next week but that light at the other end of the tunnel is definitely getting closer.

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