A Lesson in History

I had to stay in all morning while our AC was getting replaced. After the fellas left, I opened the bathroom door to find a big drill. Oops. I volunteered to take it to their shop. It was near the historical center.

I am sitting in a house that was built in 1912. 101 years old. It is called "Cracker Gothic" in style. 3 big porches...really wide open. On my Flickr Page are a couple of the bedrooms, and the family room. Interesting. Plus...an 1887 church.

Let me finish by saying that the plastic food on the table was really tough to chew. Felt really stupid setting up the self-timer to fake having a meal.

My strawberry shortcake string came to an end last night. But...like any other streak...IT'S TIME TO START A NEW ONE!! The berries are all cut up...just waiting for me. Hope it tastes better than the plastic stuff.

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