The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Snow, Moss, Stone

This morning, I awoke to an unexpected snowstorm. In fact, most of the folks in my area of New Jersey, U.S.A. experienced the same. We all thought that the worst was past us, but were all mistaken.

Of course, I had to be somewhere, so I rushed through my new "Energy" coffee and got to cleaning the 4 inches of snow that had accumulated on my car, and paved the way for my daughter to get to her side of the car.

After dropping her off at the train to NYC, I had some spare time. Yes, I went back home and shoveled a bit more before my appointment.

The steps to our front door are wooden, but the porch surrounding the house is stone. I was fascinated with the scaly moss that had appeared recently on the stones, and just had to share them with you.

Their bright green color and unusual texture screamed out at me in contrast to the dark stone and white snow.

An instant love child response was had, and I forgave the Snow Gods for dumping another storm on us after a beautiful, warm week.

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