Albert Bentley Place

It took me a little while to settle in - it always does - but I've really come to like the people on my course at SEM and I'm grateful that they have been so welcoming to me. (I think I'm older than most of their parents.)

It's been odd, of course, since we only met in person a handful of times before we were all consigned to Zoom and then even when college reopened not everyone was coming in at first.

This evening was our first proper class trip to the pub, and happily there is one on the same square as the side entrance to SEM, so we didn't have far to go. This gathering in itself might have been a bit of a challenge - those first gatherings in a new setting can be a little awkward - but it was totally relaxed and everyone just chatted away. I really hope it will become a regular event.

And after that I strolled back up the road to home, passing through Albert Bentley Place on the way. According to the Minx there will be a bakery and micro-brewery with bar here soon. My low-carbing days may be over for good!

Reading: '(R)evolution' by Gary Numan

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