Drips and drops

Been a funny day. Was at work this morning, but didn't get an awful lot done, we had a bit of a discussion about the up and coming Shared Service Centre and lack of information.

Had a half day as the estate agent was meeting us at my dad's to sign contracts and get the property on the market so it is now officially for sale. Got mixed feelings about it really - I know it has to be done but it is going to be hard to let go.

Got back and picked Lottie up from school but didn't get the excited little girl that I expected back from her school trip. She was feeling sick and is obviously very tired. She perked up a bit but I think she is coming down with a cold, she is a bit warm tonight.

Had a wander round the garden with macro filters to find some water droplets, but had trouble getting anything to focus. Am hoping it was the light and user error rather than a problem with the camera!!

Thank god it's Friday!!

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