Fingers crossed

In the end  today has been much better than we feared. 
Fletchs coughing/gag got worse in the evening He was able to sleep peacefully in between  but the cough woke him every couple of hours . Needless to say we had less sleep than him.!.. 

He seemed better this  morning, happy to bark at the postman, followed by a cough,  but of course I took him to the  vets. She said he has 'kennel cough' She gave him a thorough check up and his heart and lungs sound fine. Which was a relief. 

Fletch was very bright and alert and when we got back was hungry ., always a good sign. 

We had a leisurely stroll round Abbey House grounds and when we came back he was hungry again., so easy to hide his pills !

Fingers crossed but it's looking hopeful that he will be ok. Still have moments of coughing but less so. An early night tonight for all of us.. 

Blip.  The bluebells are opening

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