A piece of seaside artwork at Halfmoon Bay

We spent the day at the seaside bathed in glorious sunshine.
Coffee in cafes , a stroll along the shore with two friends who we haven’t seen much of this year , I wonder why ?They were the first friends that we made when we came to Blackburn in 1982 and joined CND . All now retired and still politically active , still trying to lead lives of service ( although I’m on Sabbatical!)

The weather is so summery that I forgot it was still April.
I wore my shorts for the first time this year and now the legs are out perhaps they will stay out ! On the other hand the midges can be troublesome in Scotland so maybe I shall need to pack some long trousers . Three weeks today we should be having our first night camping on the north coast .

The artwork in the shot was put in place in 2019. The figures have a space where their spines and ribs should be .
I really liked it , I liked the materials used , the setting and the way that the figures were balanced . I would be interested to find out about the inspiration for the piece . In fact I shall look it up now and share the link if I find something interesting.

Wishing all of you a happy end of week ! Xx https://www.thevisitor.co.uk/lifestyle/heads-new-sculpture-heysham-96291

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