
By JeanSnaps

About to fly.

A day when I did nothing I meant to. Saw Debbie in her garden and went to ask her if I could cut back my ivy on her side of the trellis fence.  I did my side a while ago.  She was happy with that so I got started and then she gave me a hand.  Thank goodness as it was quite a task but the top of the fence is now visible and clear apart from a couple of pyracantha branches which will need a saw.  Had to do more cutting back on my side afterwards and was very grateful when Emma called over and asked if I wanted an ice cream.   Did I want one ?   I was ecstatic  !  It was a warm day.  She and Courtney and I stood eating them and chatting.   Went back to do some final bits of pruning and left everything in a big heap to be bagged up tomorrow.  I feel all this hard work is doing me good but I'd done enough.
Not sure what I spent the afternoon doing.  Reading and photographing birds out the kitchen window.  The blackbirds were having baths. Mr Blackbird was quite quick but Mrs Blackbird took ages (see Extra).   I think I'm going to be walking round the block in the dark again.

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