
I'm sitting at the table looking over the loch at the view when we hear a thud and a crash! On investigation, I find that a wooden gull hanging on the bathroom wall had nose dived taking a hanging plate with it. The gull broke it's wing so will be humanely disposed off into the bin and the plate which was fine I hung back on the wall.
I then leave the two men fixing the porch interior and go and walk the dog.
I return home to find the house eerily quiet!!! I find Donald and H cowering in the kitchen. They immediately fessed up to spilling an entire tin of paint on the lino floor of the porch!!!
Like two scared little boys they had thrown a towel over the spill ( one of my good towels) were they expecting it to follow them into the house!
Anyway it was chalk paint and easy to clean up with some warm soapy water. You never saw such relieved looking faces as on these two clowns.
As things come in threes I'm not sure if I should venture out lest the final omen befalls me.
Three more days and I escape this bloody Gulag.

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