Sweets for my sweet

A crazy weather day that saw plans turned on their head or cancelled. On the other hand some things I'd not imagined getting done today did in fact get done. 
I'd got these gorgeous lollies squirrelled away for a wet day, that day was today! Obviously when I bought them I thought I must blip them!
Today was my last day with James's camera - he and Rich are heading to the UK for an extended break. My camera won't be done until at least the 30th of April, it feels like it's taken ages! Phone blips for the foreseeable...
We had a team zoom with the Heasleys tonight, nice to see their faces.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) An early coffee at Stef's .
2) Lovely voice notes with a friend in Glasgow.
3) A very excited Asha about an upcoming school trip to Formentera - Ibiza's little sister island. 

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