
By Veronica

Just hanging out

Extra: the other side. It's a blue something-or-other, can't remember what! An argus?

Taking S and T's advice, we went to the market in Lézignan today to break up the week. Unfortunately it was overcast and, in fact, raining by the time we got there. We were late setting off and some stallholders were already packing up, so we had to do a quick dash round buying fruit and veg, plus a takeaway lunch of supposedly Thai caramel pork. Which turned out to be a rather French pork stew, with potatoes because they'd run out of rice.

The sun came out late afternoon, so I pushed Mystère off my lap and went for a quick wander. I met V on the way back and he dragged me into his garden and gave me a big pile of spinach plus lots of herbs. So we've no shortage of fresh veg now.

Yesterday, while waiting for the verdict in the George Floyd case, I read a fascinating long read in the Washington Post. I hope it's not behind a paywall as it has resonance ... it's about Mary Ann Vecchio, the 14-year-old girl who features in an iconic photo of a student shot by the National Guard  at Kent State University in 1970. The event and its aftermath traumatised her for life. You can't not think of Darnella Frazier, the 17-year-old who videoed George Floyd's murder. Those ten minutes will stay with her forever. And it's clear that without her there might not even have been a trial.

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