
By zippyhippy

Spring Has Sprung

Here is daughter number 1's portrayal of Spring. She is quite the artist. Daughter number 2 has been crawling about for a couple of weeks now and last night pulled herself up the couch and on to her feet for the first time. She seemed fair happy with herself, aren't they lucky they wear nappies during this period as it definitely acts as a good bumper when they crash back down again. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have such beautiful girls. I feel blessed every time that I see them.

A great wee ViPR session this morning. We did a ViPR exercise for 45 seconds, a body weight exercise for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds recovery. We did this 10 times. Was great because we tried a few new ViPR exercises that I hadn't seen before along with all the usual suspects in the body weight exercises - burpee, mountain climber, press up, plank......... etc. Round this off with an RPM class this evening and that's me done for the week!

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