Birthday Boy

The Boy turned 18 today - 2/4 of the children now adults, I’m sure it should be me and MrRoly receiving the gifts for our good work!!

Unfortunately I spent most of the day in Tax Webinars with Mike which was thrilling*. The Boy had been out for lunch in Truro with his friend and got in about an hour after me and actually allowed me a birthday hug!! Then the family he sails with cane round for Chinese Takeaway (The Boy’s request) followed by the obligatory birthday pavlova.

He and friend are currently in town for a drink and I’m waiting up on standby taxi duty. It’s ok though, he’s taking MrRoly and I out for a drink at the weekend ;-)

*to be fair, the chap running them is very interesting and engaging so although quite a dry subject matter, it was as good as it gets.

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