Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A wet walk

If yesterday was wet, wet wet, what is today? Mad weather, only suitable for the ducks! No use complaining, I had to get out as the dog was looking at me longingly (though he hates the rain but did not realise just how wet it was)

All dressed up in a rain hat, rain jacket and my ever faithful wellies, it was not too bad outside - if you could ignore the water dripping off my hat down my back. The woods were wet and muddy and rather sad looking. But I had lugged my camera all the way there, and after the hassle of getting it out of it's camera case (which was covered in a ridiculously snug fitting rain cover), fumbling with the dog lead, the ipod, the rain dripping on my camera - I just took a couple of photos and then decided that a hot cup of tea and a ginger biscuit back home was more appealing. By now the dog was looking like a drowned rat and I think he was also thinking of his warm basket at home.

Have a happy weekend - more rain I think?

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