Flight of Fancy!

It was a lovely start to the day this morning, a little misty at first, but then the sun broke through and the birds were flying around the gardens and singing away. I stood on the terrace watching them to see if there was anything interesting to blip - there were quite a lot of blue tits, but they didn't stay still for very long, and my shots weren't very interesting.

I then took Louis out for a walk and saw these two sparrows in the tree. I'm not sure if there was a courtship going on here, but the little sparrow on the branch was certainly watching the other one intently. I'm really pleased that I managed to capture it with it's wings flapping!

After our walk, I went to Zumba and now I'm getting ready to the meet the girls for lunch. I'm working tomorrow, and today is 'International Women's Day' so it's my day to enjoy myself :-) Hope you have a good one too!

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