River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: Flowers and Ants

Same weather as previously, temperature max 11°C and overcast for most of the day. No wind so very pleasant.
MrD went off for the day on his motorbike.
I had a few gardening jobs to do: potting on wild sea cabbage, early purple sprouting broccoli, 2 types of sunflower "Russian Giant" and "Velvet Queen".
Pruned the roses behind the oil tank, we can actually see them after cutting back the clematis.
Putting stuff in one of the compost bins I found the ants busy with their grubs much earlier than last year https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2715297741570836802 , found more info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_garden_ant. There are already 2 of my compost bins occupied by ants, must check the others ... tomorrow!
Today’s flowers are Yellow dead nettle and Tulipa tarda which hasn’t quite opened yet.
Nice FaceTime with the little granddaughters xxxx
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone and warm and cosy :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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