River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Dainty & Blue

After last night's heavy rain everywhere was very wet - I'd given all the pots a good watering as well, so everything should be ok for next few days.
I think today's blip might be Vinca minor double Bowles, it's very pretty and very dainty - can't remember where it came from!! http://www.perennials.com/plants/vinca-minor-double-bowles.html 
The blurry bee was too busy to stop to be photographed :-))
MrD was busy in the shed and the machine he was using tripped the electric, this turned into a bit of a saga ... our good friend EliP had a friend who came and sorted out the problem, enough said ...
Lots of family history today, trying to connect a couple of DNA cousins into the Lincolnshire/Australian ancestors, got some more work to do on this :-((
Happy Weekend everyone x
Stay healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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