Big Boots

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

I'm not sure if Loulou is blipping any more. She has her own blog now. If it is all right with her, I'll share the link with you one day.

But I am sure you'd like to know what happened to little Boots the duck. 

Loulou gave Boots up to a lovely duck sanctuary where we discovered two things:

- Boots is a boy duck
- Boots is a grey teal duck

Loulou was very sad to say goodbye to Boots, but happy because Grey Teal Ducks are rare. By sheer luck, the sanctuary had one other FEMALE and they immediately became boyfriend and girlfriend. 

Today they were released back into the wild. Here's the picture Loulou sent me today of Big Boy Boots and his girlfriend, enjoying their lives and (one hopes) planning on starting another family of little Boots.

Such a sweet little thing. I'm sure he'll always remember how much he was loved.


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