Caddis fly

A caddis fly on the willow on Ripple Lake this afternoon.

After yesterday's debacle of losing 4 chickens and knowing I had office work to do so wouldn't be outside watching for foxy intruders, I kept the chickens in their house and run. They are confused! Being used to massive amounts of space this was obviously going to be difficult. Hubs is looking to overhaul the netting with new and thinks maybe they don't actually need as much space as they have been used to. 

Last night, at about 3 with the balcony door open I was rudely woken by a fox right outside screaming, really giving it all he's got. It's long past their mating season so I think and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong I thought it was a male being territorial which he had a right to be. 'Waste not want not' as my mother says, meant the dead chickens I thought might be a good photo op were placed  in the field but sensibly and I don't always do sensible, I went to bed instead of staying up all night waiting. Seeing it was 3 o'clock I was honestly relieved I hadn't opted for the stay up and shoot shot. Hubs on the other hand might have been up for the 'stay up and shoot' shot but in a slightly different way as he loves his chickens!

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