
Today was a gorgeous day. She was meant to start with a ballet lesson but the Internet wasn't cooperating so we had to cancel. Instead we left for Scarborough a bit early. We took a few minutes to enjoy the view from the top of Olivers Mount.

We then drove to my aunts, where we found everyone digging up plants. We now have some of my grandmother's cornflowers to plant in our garden, which I'm really quite delighted about. I never met her so often land at the bottom of the pile for consideration of which granddaughter should be considered for things. I like that I have this at least.

Anyway, that was just a side note on the afternoon. We have enjoyed time with my cousin for the first time since last summer. A tasty lunch in the sunshine. We had a beautiful walk round the bays, making room after lunch for an ice cream. The sea front was a bit busy for Katie's liking, noisy and busy, but all was well once we could get to the sand with the plenty of space. 

From there, we went back for a quick coffee with my aunt and uncle before heading home. We made a flying stop to our house to change. 

It was time for her first in person class with her local school. It was also her last. And she was spiked rotten, including the most incredible chocolate bouquet from her teacher. It's amazing.

Katie had been nothing but excited about her departure. Until the tiniest of nervous moments tonight on saying goodbye to people she truly will miss a lot. 

On the up side, we are having issues with the arranged ballet school local to her new school and consequently, her teacher here has suggested she arrange for Katie to Zoom into classes! It will mean she can get her interfoundation exam done and be part of show preparations as well!! Katie's absolutely delighted about it. 

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