Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Four Nectarines

Today has been enjoyable, sunny and busy.
I love cold bright weather so I walked quite far today 9192 steps to make sure I exercised and topped up my Vitamin D.
I hadca chat with the pharmacist and explained about my sciatica. He suggested I swapped Anadin Extra which contains asprin, with Paracetamol Extra. I no longer need pain relief four times a day, just morning when I get up and before bedtime.
I did washing drying and ironing and changed the bedding,
I made 12 chocolate cornflake cakes and chilled them in the fridge.
Arthur sat with me for online Mass and when I was catching up with FB and Twitter.
I love Nectarines as they are beautiful, smell lovely and taste delicious.
All in all a very happy day.
Remembering my Dad on what would have been his 101th birthday.

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