Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

April Snowfall

Well that was a surprise when I got up this morning. About 2 inches of snow had fallen in the early hours. As we had our Gamma meeting today I made sure I got a quick blip while the snow was still there. By 10 am the snow had all gone and there was a lovely blue sky and sunshine but by then we had joined our zoom meeting. We had 3 of our own members speaking and all showed interesting photos from the projects they were doing during lockdown periods or, in one case from when we were free to go where we liked. The last speaker of the day was our current RPS (Royal Photographic Society) President, Simon Hill.

The weather then turned dull and miserable and I spent time producing our photographic society reports and agenda etc for our AGM which takes place at the end of the month.

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