Just a Flower on Sunday

Some of my tulips are just reaching the point where they are beginning to be ready to open.  This is one of them.  In real life it is a beautiful delicate pink but I thought I would go with a mono look for now.  It's been another lovely day with some clearing up to do as well as some next box erecting and lawn food distribution.  AND I had another go at cleaning the car just to see if I could do it a bit better this time.  Reasonably successful!

Louie had his first baby rice this morning and managed to get some into his tummy.

Also we have a new niece on Rob's side of the family.  April Jane arrived very late on Friday night and Mommy Alexa and April came home yesterday.  April is a sister for Adaline..

Don't go mad on relaxing your lockdown routines tomorrow everyone.  Stay safe.

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