Daffs and gram-staining
These daffies were the only shot taken today, to send Ellie and W in Gallatin. Yesterday I neglected to post the extra, as I'd been instructed by I. She'd texted it to me from school with "For Blip"...it shows a couple students in the lab gram-staining bacteria. I'm informed that there are two types of bacteria: gram positive and gram negative.
The diverse selection of daffodils and jonquils around our yard was planted mostly by the folks who used to live here. We've added bunches of bulbs here and there. Last year a mystery patch appeared in the middle of the back lawn, yards and yards and yards away from any other daffodils. Can they naturalize like that?
A foggy, misty, cooler day. Drove kids to and fro (they can't drive themselves to school if I need the car), got guitar restrung and hair cut, visited friend Swetha whom I hadn't seen in months, worked on piano planning, wrote a bunch, and pulled bittercress weeds (with seeds about to pop) into the dusk.
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