Snaw Behind da Waa

A cold and windy day.  It rained most of the morning, with a slightly better afternoon, even a sunny spell.  A mix of wintery showers this evening. 

I've been working in the museum all day, and we were fully booked.  Walkies with Sammy after work, had tea, and then headed down to the shop for my shift.  More walkies with Sammy, and then feet up. 

Most of the snow that settled over the past few days has thawed, even through it's remaining cold.  There is more snow due tomorrow, and possibly some over the weekend too.  Thankfully I managed to see some blue skies and sunshine after work, but we did get caught in a shower, that was the cloud to the left of the photo!  Patches of snow still remain in places, such as here behind the dyke.  Taken at Berry Farm, Scalloway.  

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