transmission only mode..

By Mobius


Looking at the back wall, I'm gaining confidence that it's a rebuild using the carefully removed bricks (& tiles behind in extra) situated a few metres away. Wall foundations in, so this garage already has sounder foundations than our cottage, which is built straight onto the ground! 

A few new houses are about to be built in the area including the pan tile shed to the right. Pleased that it's retention was included in the planning permission.

Part 1 -
Part 2 -

Received a voicemail today from a church elder saying that she needed to speak to me urgently and may even pop round. I immediately thought oh crikey what have I done now. She did pop round and was very keen that I join the church warden/verger "cooperative" that shares the duties.
In part I was asked because of my help in mowing the church yard last summer, until the new contractors took over.

I am not especially religious, but like the faith and grounding aspects; also the sense of warmth, caring and support in the community. We are very alike re the community and wishing to reduce the high church aspects a little in favour of simpler, earthier more accessible style. I stressed that I would do what I could manage dependent on energy, but it's very flexible, so am now part of the clan (of very nice people). 

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