More April Snow

Gales continues, easing slightly tonight.  It has been snowing again, wild this afternoon, and thawing this evening.  There was also 44ft waves just north of Shetland too.

The museum was closed today, rescheduled bookings for tomorrow.  I've had a day working from home.  The snow finally eased this evening, and got out walkies after tea.  The peat fire is fine and cosy this evening. 

I was fooled at lunchtime, and headed down to mam's for a walk, which didn't happen.  The roads were quite clear in Scalloway, but as I headed east, the roads got worse.  I didn't stay long at mam's, and soon headed home again.  On my way home, there was heavy moorie-caavies (violent blizzards), causing big fanns (snow drifts) across the roads.  Driving conditions were poor, with a couple of accidents too.  They finally closed the Black Gaet, due to the snow.  The wild afternoon of snow seemed to vanish as quick as it came, and much thawed by this evening.  There has been more snow tonight, hopefully it won't freeze.  A quick snap before leaving mam's, with dad's Land Rover in the foreground, and the strange illusion of very little snow.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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