Snow on Houl Road

A day of gales, snow and sunshine.  It snowed most of last night, and throughout the day, and more tonight.  Feels about minus 10 outside.

A call came through first thing, and a day working from home was had.  I've had a couple of walks with Sammy, and again this evening.  Popped by big Brian to say happy birthday when out.  Warm by the fire tonight. 

A shock to the system, as the snow returned.  It's not unusual for this time of year, just unwanted (I love snow, but in winter months).  Things were really starting to have a fine spring feel, but looks like every daffodil has been knocked over by the wind, and then squashed by the snow, along with other early spring flowers.  I'm not sure what damaged has been done in my garden, too snowy to check.  Sammy wasn't keen on walkies, until it stopped, and the sun came out.  Sammy almost home here, heading home up the hill, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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