Nate Rafa is 4!

He's 4!!! How did that happen?! He's been so excited all day - beginning with a big shark balloon and a pile of a muffin for breakfast (see extra). Nate's requirement for his birthday was that he saw Stephen, so about midday we met them at THE tree and had a mini party. It included food, pass the parcel, pétanque, throwing stones into the sea, football, bubbles and cake. We even decorated the tree a bit (also in extras!). Extra fun was added when he opened Stephen and Jud's gift and it was Walkie Talkies - the kids are loving them. Brings back wonderful memories of my sister and I and our cousins all getting them one Christmas - the fun we 4 had!!!
Home almost 5 hours later and James and Rich dropped by with a gift, then a Caña Club birthday zoom for Nate, and tea and a movie. He's wiped out and truly celebrated his birthday. 
Tonight we (24-7 Ibiza) began our zoom prayer week - such a brilliant time with all sorts of folks. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This boy - he's such a gift in so many ways. We waited a long time for him, he was worth it. 
2) Nate's zest for life - it's infectious.
3) So many people celebrating him!

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