A Day In The Life

By Irish59


When I read the challenge today for Mono Monday, I knew instantly what my blip would be: smooth and creamy peanut butter :) I am a peanut butter connoisseur, although I prefer crunchy. The only reason we have a jar of smooth is because it was the only one available at the grocery store. I’ve been calling it my Covid PB • Why a connoisseur? I can’t think of a version of peanut butter I don’t like. All natural, organic, with salt, without salt, with sugar, without sugar; growing up in the south, my neighbor fed me peanut butter and maple syrup sandwiches; my grandmother fed me peanut butter and butter sandwiches; then there’s the infamous fluffernutter, but my favorite sandwich is peanut butter with blueberry jam; toast with peanut butter and sliced bananas, with sprinklings of flax seed and cinnamon is my go-to breakfast; A favorite snack is PB with wheat crackers, pictured here; I even like peanut butter spread on garlic bread, something that made my SIL cringe; let’s not forget peanut butter cookies or combining peanut butter and chocolate. Yum! • Have I left anything out? • Thanks so much to random_angel for hosting. I heard she’s one smooth operator ;)

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