Four seasons

Today started with a snowy walk up Nescliffe with Jen. I thought the forecast would do what it normally does and not deliver, but it really did snow. There were big, fat flakes at one point and we just stopped and watched the snow silently falling. 

By the time we got down, the snow had gone and the blue skies had arrived so we sat on a wall and drank hot chocolate in the sunshine. 

Over lunch I read a bit more of Samantha Power's book, a Birthday gift that I've been so eager to get into. If you've not heard of Samantha Power then I fully recommend watching 'The Final Year', a movie which I had expected would be all about Obama but focused more on Sam Power, Ben Rhodes and John Kerry. The book is brilliant so far and reading it was a lovely way to spend an hour before heading over to the Curtai.

Since we are still only able to meet outdoors, I'd been promised that Tim would light the chimnea and we would have toasted crumpets. Cue a few hours of sitting on the deck, freezing but gloriously bathed in sunlight and smelling of smoke. 

Lots of people and lots of sunshine over the weekend has been utterly glorious but I'm exhausted!

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