This Eastern Sunday

I  wanted to attend the Eastern Mass served by Pope Francis in St. Peters Basilica this morning.  Yesterday had been a difficult day. Not only because of the cold I had caught the day before. But also being confronted with the irrevocable absence of my DearestLove. Eastern being that important  gathering  of Our/Her Familiy. In a sphere of celebration.
But, We feel happy to know that Mischa&Dolf were meeting Our Niece Lotte and her partner this evening. And for myself, I had this short but heartwarming meeting with Our old Friend Gerlinde at the end of the afternoon. So  you wont hear me complain about loneliness.  It was the gap between my downtoearth sorrow in mourning about Willemien and the consolating meaning of the Eastern Message.
After the Mass I felt urged to visit the Graveyard. And of course I brought daffodils and a white rose, a new candle and a bottle of water for the flowerplants. But it was not my  Eastern Care  which  uplifted me. It were all the new wild flowers popping up everywhere around. By the way, the Magnoliabuds seem to small for flowering. But lets be patient. And there was this amazing greengrey tit sitting quietly nearby. Hipping from grave to grave. Looking up to me. Could I say we stayed together for a while. Spontaneously I talked to him/her, Thanking for visiting us . Tiny birdwings that lift you up towards the sky.
Afterwards in St. Michael’s  I  could feel  a  connection between mourning and Gospel. So, it is easier to upload these three pictures for today. But their living symbolic interconnectedness is really another matter: time, deepening of Faith and remembering eternal Love and Gratitude. And being open for amazing tiny surprises.

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