A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

It's like Piccadilly Circus around here

My husband is a wise man. Much to many people's surprise. But that's beside the point.

This morning seemed to involve a minimum of one family member being broken at any time which resulted in a quite horrible stressful leaving of the house for the journey to school. Harmony was pretty much restored by the school gate but the whole episode left me feeling quite miserable and distracted from the work job that needed my attention today. Cue wise husband who had showered and woken up by this point and was less broken than he had been earlier (by his night out watching football). "Change the dealer" he suggested. So I packed my stuff and headed into town to find myself a nice location for working.

Felt a little Goldilocks-like after the National Gallery cafe was too dark and their dining rooms too formal but found myself a lovely, informal and well-lit home on the 5th floor of Waterstones, Piccadilly. A change of scene did the trick nicely and work pretty much completed.

Now off to pick up the kidlings and hoping they have had an equally distracting and successful day. But just in case, I shall stop for chocolate.

Lesley x

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