Twice Blessed

New pup, new hobby. Patrick continues to settle in, great fun, very popular and a bundle of energy.

Five years after the idea was first ‘floated’ the Veterans Gig finally got underway yesterday evening. A Cornish Pilot Gig is being built in Falmouth Marine School to provide the club, Epic Gigability, with its gig, plus the Cornish Pilot Gig Association has loaned us a ‘Club In A Box’. The box in question holds a plastic gig and all the equipment required to get a gig club up and running.
In the meantime Flushing & Mylor Gig Club have loaned us their gigs to get started. Last night twelve Veterans pitched up to row, me included, enough for two crews.
After lifting the gig in we had an hour on the water rowing before lifting the gig out again.
I bloody loved it.
Didn’t take long for peoples competitive nature to come through, bit of inter service banter, exactly what the club was founded for. To maybe provide that ‘something’ missing in your life, improve your well being or just an hour or two in the company of like minded people.
Already looking forward to next Wednesday.

Every Person Is Capable Gigability

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