Return to the North

By Viking

Pond update

A couple of months or so ago one of the local Jack of all trades came and dug a hole for a plastic pond liner we had picked up. I have always wanted a wildlife pond in the garden so £50 later and hey presto, I had one.
We let it fill with rain water then I set about trying to find pond plants. I sent for a few ‘oxygenators’ which I threw in as instructed but they were measly looking so was chuffed last weekend when someone in the village was getting rid of pond plants. I was in there straight away and a donation to a cancer respite care charity later and I had both lillies, some Reed type things and a water lily or two!
Of course then I stood back and area around the pond looked sad so then I set about that. Sis sourced some rockery rocks and I bought some spreading bedding plants. Unfortunately the grass roots are so tight in the soil that I didn’t think the plants would survive. So then I set about pots, tubs etc.
This gardening mularky is never ending! But it as least looking ok. Just need the frogs and other assorted wildlife to come now!

Oh and I read today not to out it in direct sunlight! Ooooops!!

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