Return to the North

By Viking


A busy day doing annoying / silly little things. After losing stuff on my MacBook Air when it died I decided to back up my photos on the desktop-7500, didn’t get it finished last night so continued this morning. Then it was on to a spot of gardening, putting more holes in a couple of planters, filling with violas and what look like dead cyclamen (hoping they revive next winter!), playing up a couple of lavender plants which are now beside the pond and a couple of different oregano plants which are out the back waiting for ‘full sun’!!!!
Then after I was pooped from that I started on the jewellery which arrived from NZ. Nothing overly valuable but sat there with a silver cleaning cloth, liquid and lots of elbow grease and cleaned all this lot! As you can see I have quite a lot of pieces :-))))) The stand is new too. I got sick of raving around for matching earrings and untangling necklaces even before this lot arrived so invested in a display stand

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