Having a nap
Here we go again! Blue Banded Bees. A couple of BBBs have been zooming around for most of the day. We've noticed that they are spending a lot more time foraging, and much later in the afternoon. It's as if they are frantically getting ready for winter.
Seeing that the weather forecasters say that we will have at least 7 more days over 35 degrees, they may be being a bit unnecessarily anxious. But maybe they know something we don't.
I don't think I've ever got quite this view of a BBB before. You can see that it's grasping the leaf with it's front mandibles, and it's having a powernap, before zooming off again.
Rock-a-bye Baby
The Rower and I are off to Melbourne for this coming weekend, to attend a Fitness Expo. The Rower will be flat out on the video camera for the next three days, and I will be manning the booth selling DVDs. So please forgive us if we can't comment. It's going to be all we can do to get a blip up every day. But we'll do our best.
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