That door

The sharp edge of my car door is what I earned my concussion from back in September. That and rebounding off the door edge, into the side of the garage, and snapping my head back.

A fun concussion fact: You don't need to be knocked out to be concussed. Only a small percentage of people with concussion are knocked out.

What's more interesting is what I achieved today. I drove myself to work for the first time in 7 months. We all forgot that it would be dark when I left home at 7.15am. That put my brain into overdrive.

I achieved my goal and planned it well, allowing half an hour to decompress at work before I officially started. I also drove myself to an appointment that I've been using an ACC funded taxi to get to and from.

My speech was starting to slur by the end of day and I can live with that. It will resolve overnight.

Today's gratitude: For feeling genuinely proud of what I've achieved. It takes a lot of self management and structure.

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