Timmy Builds a Sandcastle
It has been a couple of years since I built a castle. It's something that I used to enjoy doing, but then my back and my knees starting talking to me. When my dad and my b-I-l Steve used to come down, we built some real whoppers.
The five of us hit the beach at 9:15, and staked out our spot. Since I don't like to go to the beach and just sit (or read), I started shoveling some sand into a pile.
I broke out my sand tools and my 5 gallon bucket, and started shaving.
It felt good to be back, but let's see how sore I am in the next couple of days.
Merrick didn't seem interested in working on my castle, but he did build a nifty structure next to it. LOTS of people at the beach today. 84F and sunny,
But...man...that sand gets in everything.
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