Shadows and a Spider
Morning light. Did some weeding, watering, washing clothes, sweeping, reading, made Sam's banana and chocolate loaf, and lunch, with some help - but basically just trying not to get too fed up with all I can't do.
Mike (in extra) spent the day using his new Stihl chainsaw and doing queimas - burning of piles of olive prunings; queimadas is when you burn a whole field to refresh the pasture - learnt this when I went to get permission to burn.
In case anyone is interested, asked Deb, our daughter in England, for the link to our church's Easter livestreams:
Good Friday Stream at 14:30, Easter Sunday Livestreams at 08:30, 10:30 and 18:30. All of them will be livestreamed from the church YouTube channel - so a link will appear on there for each stream a bit before the start times. The channel link is:
She's doing the Good Friday one, and the two morning ones on Sunday, and Sam, our s-i-l is singing in the evening one. Apparently, I'm making an appearance on the Friday one, an old video.
- the brace mostly eliminating the pain in my wrist
- Jaime doing more work on our stone walls
- banter with Hamp5on
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