One for Sorrow

Two for Joy

No Magpies today but while this lone pulsatilla reminded me how much I miss the glory of them in the spring sunshine, having both Jamie and Ruth at home this week is certainly a cause for joy!

We've been planning for Ruth to come here for a respite visit, forming a care bubble with us, for a while but various obstacles got in the way.   Last night we thought she might delay until Wednesday but a night of disturbance caused by other residents in her building persuaded her that it was better to come early for some peace and quiet.   I got the urgent jobs done first thing at this end and set off for Birmingham soon after midday.   A stop for an alfresco sandwich with my friends in Shropshire was a peaceful interlude, their garden looking lovely although I didn't have time to linger long.   Traffic as we headed back to the M6 was as bad as ever, lockdown or no, the journey back took an hour longer but we're safe home.   Happy :-)

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