The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Best Side Forward

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was working today for a deployment. Big deployments are a combination of boring and stressful: boring in between tasks and stressful when doing them. Not because anything is particularly difficult, but because the implementation manager requires a ‘status update’, roughly once every 3 minutes.

I called my colleague, Bart to chat about the outstanding tasks and had a bit of vent. It’s fair to say that I wasn’t really holding back...

“FFS how ******* annoying are these stupid ******* updates? What a complete waste of our ******* time. Also, being asked about stuff that isn’t due for hours. Can’t Jack ******* read his own ******* plan?”

The call signal dropped and Bart called back. Turned out that his wife was close by in their car and his Bluetooth connection was still active so she got to hear my full Tourette’s rant!

I do love to make a good first impression.


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