Lone Frog on a Vernal Pool

The fact that it was raining cats and dogs could not keep me away from the vernal pools. I thought that amphibians might just LOVE being out in the rain. So in late morning, I put on my hiking pants and shirt, tucked my camera in a daysack, and grabbed my umbrella. And off I went to check things out!

First off, I got a righteous soaking, I'll tell you that; fortunately, I don't melt! But I managed to keep the camera dry. When I got to the first vernal pond, there was some amphibian sound, but not nearly as much as I've heard there recently.

And while there were loads of beautiful concentric circles on the pond, they were made by the dancing raindrops, not (alas) amphibians. And there was pollen, but it just looked like pollen, and not like magic rainbows this time. But hey, every day is different out here; and I'll tell you this, my friends: a rainy day in the woods (even if you come home soaked!) is better than a sunny day in town!

I saw lots of eggs, including amazing amounts of spotted salamander eggs (see photo in the extras), but only ONE actual frog! The frog was sitting at the far end of the pond, sort of tucked under a brushy area, so it wasn't quite as drippy there.

And it was wearing, I thought, a very contemplative look on its face: "I want to be alone!" it seemed to say. Now, that's a worthy thought, though I know there are HUNDREDS more amphibians in this pool! But sure, go ahead, go on pretending to be alone!!!  

The soundtrack song is this one: Heart, with Alone.

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