Jamming 1-1
Back blipping....again!
This was one of the screens on my Jamboard today in the 1-1 session. At the start of the session, the trainees go to this screen and use the 'stickies' tool to type any questions they have about 1-1 teaching and at the end we revisit it, tick off the ones answered in the sessions and I add a few extra notes before sending them the link so they can save it as a record. On another screen, I have all the activities I'm going to show them and use that as a kind of agenda, ticking off as we go. One of the demos is having a guest to the class (could be online or f2f) and Bb was the guest today, talking about his experiences as a student in both group classes and 1-1. The trainees are usually tickled to meet him and we all laugh when Bb tells them that they're now upstairs in our house, instead of sitting downstairs with me!
Just for my record, the trainer-in-training was observed by the assessor this morning giving an input session - all online of course.
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