Picture Consequences

By consequences

Blue sky thinking

I joined in with Jen's manic morning routine, rushing into the shower, wolfing tea and toast standing up in the kitchen, putting on the suit and tie. I even made a big "I'm late, I'm late" pantomime of ironing my shirt in a last-minute frenzy.

And all the while I knew there was no way I'd be going to work today.

As soon as she'd left the flat, I phoned Steve (knowing I'd get his voicemail at that time in the morning) and left a suitably sorry-for-myself-sounding message: "wouldn't be in, still not feeling right, blah blah blah" and thinking that he probably wouldn't really give a toss one way or another.

I then headed down to the communal garden - which, today, was a sun-kissed bit of paradise. Perfectly quiet and ideal for a bit of reflection.

As an aid to reflection (or so I hoped) I'd also armed myself with the laptop and USB memory stick.

I was only praying I wouldn't need to get on the web, as I thought about all the extravagant claims that had been made for the wireless internet we had in the flat. Check your emails out in the sunshine? Aye, right.

Story begins here.

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