We didn't get hit by a tree!

The country of Nambia passed new election laws yesterday. The ruling party can run local election boards. Voters have to have multiple forms of ID to get an absentee ballot and to return the absentee ballot. The citizens have to request their absentee ballot weeks in advance. They made it illegal to give food or water to people waiting to vote. 

I'm just kidding. This was the state of Georgia. 

The weather was fantastic today. Walking Samuel this morning this morning, little bits of tree fell into the water. I remembered last year, walking through the woods, off of the paths to avoid humans, and meeting deer. I remembered when tree limbs started falling last year, and thinking that if I was hit by one it would be a long time before someone found my body. 

I bent low to take a picture of flowers and a giant tree fell over. It scared two deer I wouldn't have otherwise noticed.

We made it through the week and we didn't get hit by a tree. 

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